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在经济新常态背景下,银行的经营环境发生明显变化,个人金融业务的发展 呈现出新的特点和趋势。银行面临利润减少、客户流失、渠道重塑等压力 。因此, 全面扩大收入来源成为银行面临的重要问题之一。当前,银行个人金融业务非利 息收入成长潜力巨大,成为各家银行业务发展的重点关注领域。基金业务作为银 行个人 金融业务中重要的非利息收入来源,已成为银行重点拓展的中间业务之一。 中国银行甘肃分行基金业务存在客户规模小、基础薄弱、地区发展不平衡、客户 经理销售能力不足等 现实问题。 本文以中国银行甘肃分行基金业务为研究对象,在对银行营销和基金营销的 相关理论进行回顾、综述和总结的基础上,进一步梳理和展示中国银行甘肃分行 的基本情 况和目前基金业务的发展情况,然后对基金业务的营销现状进行分析。 在讨论中国银行甘肃分行基金业务营销策略中,通过运用STP和7Ps营销理论从 产品、价格、促销、渠道、 环境设计、营销过程、营销人员七个维度给出中国银 行甘肃分行基金业务的营销策略,并对营销策略的实施提出保障措施。 通过研究分析论文得出如下结论:第一,通过宏观环 境和竞争环境分析得出 在资管新规的要求下,中国银行甘肃分行基金业务营销有自身的优势和劣势,同 时也面临众多机遇与挑战;第二,运用STP营销理论对中国银行甘肃分行基 金业 务进行分析和梳理,选择事业单位、公务员、高校和商会为基金业务目标市场, 从客户、产品、渠道三个维度给出基金业务的市场定位选择;第三,运用7Ps营 销理论从产 品、价格、促销、渠道、环境设计、营销过程、营销人员七个维度对 中国银行甘肃分行基金业务营销提出策略建议及实施保障。本文可为中国银行甘 肃省分行的基金业务发展提 供策略依据,也可为探索商业银行基金营销策略提供 参考。 关键词:中行甘肃分行,基金业务,营销环境,销售策略 MBA学位论文 作者:吕凡 中行甘肃分行基金业务营销策略 研究 III RESEARCH ON FUNGD PRODUCT MARKETING STRATEGY OF BANK OF CHINA GANSU BRANCH Abstract Under the background of the new economic normal, the internal and external environment of banking industry has changed obviously, and the development of personal finance business of commercial banks shows a new trends and new characteristics. Traditional banking is under pressure from reduced profits, customer declining and channel remodeling. Therefore, the overall expansion of revenue sources has become one of the most important problems facing commercial banks. At present, the growth potential of non-interest income in the personal finance business of commercial banks is huge, which has become the focus area of the increasing profits of various banking businesses, and fund business profits play a great part in the personal finance industry of commercial banks. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is by introducing the backgrounds of Bank of China Gansu Branch to demonstrate the development of fund business, and then to analyze the marketing status of fund business. By doing such analysis, it is found that the fund business has the real problems of small customer size, weak foundation, unbalanced regional development, and insufficient sales ability of the account manager fund. In order to improve the current marketing strategies of Bank of China Gansu Branch in Fund Business, this paper will mainly use STP and 7Ps marketing theory of the seven dimensions of product, price, promotion, place, environmental design, marketing process and marketing personnel. Through the thorough research and analysis, we can get the following conclusions: first, Bank of China Gansu Branch in fund business field is facing great opportunities and challenges,meanwhile, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Second, use STP marketing theory to select institutions, civil servants, universities and chambers of commerce as the target market for fund business, and provide the market positioning choice of fund business from the three dimensions of customers, products and channels. Third, analyze 7Ps to put forward strategic recommendations and implementation. This dissertation aims to not only provide the strategic references for the development of fund business in Gansu branch of Bank of China, but also offer MBA学位 论文 作者:吕凡 中行甘肃分行基金业务营销策略研究 IV an opportunity to exchange mutual thoughts of exploring the fund marketing strategy of commercial banks. 。。。。。。以下内容略