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2013 年 11 月 18 日,紧跟北京、上海、深圳出台楼市调控新政的步伐,广州公布了 《关于进一步做好房地产市场调控工作的意见》的楼市调控新文件,明确提出了五个方 面的调控举措,其中二套房首付提至七成,外地人购房门槛提高至个税或社保需 5 年内 连续 3 年缴纳。新政环境下,由于商业公寓不限购不限贷、户型小、总价低的优势,不 仅对投资群体有吸引力,同时还能满足不少外来刚需置业群体的需求,公寓产品在定价 上也水涨船高。 许多开发商在看到商业地产丰厚利润时,容易忽视其投资巨大、风险极高、专业性 极强的特点,因而常常盲目投资,结果导致大量的商铺积压,或因资金链的断裂而陷入 困境,造成巨大的经济损失。 本商业策划书以 B 公司的 FCG 商业地产项目为研究对象,采用理论与实证、定性 与定量相互结合的方法进行研究,用科学的方法和理论基础去解决现实问题。研究内容 包括,宏观的环境分析、区域的商业市场分析、区域的土地市场分析、区域的房地产市 场分析、项目市场定位、项目竞品分析、项目营销组合策略、项目筹备工作、项目财务 评价、项目风险分析等。 通过 PEST 分析方法分别对广州市总体经济状况、人口现状及就业情况、城市发展 与规划、城市房地产政策等各方面做了阐述与分析。也采用了 SWOT 分析工具综合考 量项目自身具备的优势与劣势、需要面对的机会与威胁,从而对项目整体进行客观科学 的定位。另外,在市场大数据调查和整理的基础上,运用 4Ps 营销组合理论提出项目产 品、价格、渠道、促销等有效策略。 通过以上各方面的理论分析,论证项目的可行性,最终得出项目可行的结论。 关键词,商业地产;公寓;商业策划书II ABSTRACT On November 18, 2013, followed the pace of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen ,with the new policies of the property market regulations, Guangzhou published New work opinion of real estate market regulation ,shows clearly the five aspects of the regulation of initiatives, including the second suite down payment up to 70%, foreign buyers' threshold should be improved/raised to the standard of personal income tax and at least continuously 3 years payments within 5 years' social security with deleted. Under the new deal, as commercial apartments of small size and low price advantages, open to buyers under unlimited loans, not only attractive to investment groups, but also meet the needs of many foreign home buyers, apartment products have gone up in the pricing. When many developers see commercial real estate profits, tend to ignore its high risks , highly professional features, and thus blind investment, resulting in a large number of backlog in the shops, or troubled by the capital chain rupture, causing huge economic losses. Business planning with B company of the FCG commercial real estate projects for the study, theoretical and empirical studies, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, using scientific methods and theory to solve practical problems. Contents include: macro-analysis of the environment, the regional commercial market analysis, market analysis, an area of land real estate market analysis, project analysis of competing products, market positioning, project, project marketing mix strategies, project preparation, project financial evaluation, risk analysis, etc. By PEST analysis methods on Guangzhou City, overall economic conditions, population status and employment situations, urban development and planning policies, urban real estate policies and other aspects are discussed and analyzed. Also use SWOT analysis tool to integrate consideration of project's strengths and weaknesses, needs, opportunities, and threats, to objective scientific location of the project as a whole. In addition, on the basis of the market survey and collate the data, by using 4Ps marketing mix theory, put forward effective policy of project product, price, place, promotion. Through all these theoretical analysis it's proved the feasibility of the project, and ultimately draw feasible conclusions. Key Words,Commercial Real Estate; CommercialApartments; Business PlanningIII 目 录 摘要.I ABSTRACT II 图表清单....VI 第一章 绪论1 1.1 选题背景及研究意义1 1.2 文献综述..2 1.2.1 国外研究现状.....2 1.2.2 国内研究现状.....2 1.3 研究内容与方法..4 第二章 项目简介....6 2.1 投资主体介绍6 2.1.1 公司简介.6 2.1.2 管理团队介绍.....6 2.2 项目基本概况介绍....8 2.2.1 项目概况描述.....8 2.2.2 地块现状介绍.....9 2.2.3 周边配套介绍.....9 2.3 本章小结 11 第三章 项目环境分析12 3.1 宏观环境分析....12 3.2 竞争环境分析....19 3.2.1 竞品项目介绍...19 3.2.2 竞品项目分析...20 3.3 企业内部条件分析..22 3.4 项目 SWOT 分析....23 3.5 本章小结24 第四章 项目营销策略25 4.1 项目的 STP 战略.....25IV 4.1.1 目标市场细分...25 4.1.2 目标市场选择...25 4.1.3 目标市场定位...32 4.2 项目营销组合策略..33 4.2.1 产品策略.....33 4.2.2 价格策略.....38 4.2.3 渠道策略.....40 4.2.4 促销策略.....42 4.3 本章小结44 第五章 项目筹备工作45 5.1 项目设计标准化45 5.2 项目建设计划....47 5.2.1 拟定原则.....47 5.1.2 管理目标.....47 5.3 项目施工管理....48 5.3.1 施工管理模式...48 5.3.2 施工管理人员....49 5.4 本章小结49 第六章 项目财务评价51 6.1 项目各项成本与费用估算..51 6.1.1 成本估算.....51 6.1.2 销售收入估算...53 6.1.3 税金估算.....54 6.2 资金筹措与投资计划....55 6.3 现金流量表与动态盈利分析....56 6.4 利润表与静态盈利分析58 6.5 本章小结59 第七章 项目风险控制60 7.1 风险分析60 7.2 风险控制61V 7.3 本章小结63 结 论....64