摘要 随着我国经济的快速发展,人民的生活水平不断提高,城市化进程不断 推进,经济发展带来资源与环境的压力日益增大,目前城市人口总数已达7 亿以上,如果按照1千克/人/日标准计算,全国城市生活垃圾的曰产量将达到 70万吨以上,城市生活垃圾的数量日益增大,大量垃圾进行简单的填埋堆放, 占用大量土地资源,并且对空气、土地资源和水资源等都造成了严重的影响 和污染。城市生活垃圾数量急剧增长已经成为不争的现实问题,面对这样的 客观发展环境和条件,我们必须坚持走可持续发展道路,以资源化、产业化 和市场化为目标来处理城市垃圾,不断推进城市垃圾处理产业健康发展。 .采用焚烧的方法来处理城市生活垃圾正在我国得到大力发展。与.原有的 垃圾卫生填埋处理方式以及垃圾堆肥处理方式相比较,垃圾焚烧发电能够有 效减少垃圾量,通过焚烧可以减少垃圾的有害性,让资源得到合理利用,较 前两种垃圾处理方式而言有极为突出的优势。垃圾焚烧发电以其良好的经济 效益和社会效益得到了普遍的认同和采纳,势必将逐渐产业化。 垃圾焚烧发电要想得到长足发展就必须立足于可持续发展理论,可持续 发展理论的包括社会可持续、经济可持续、环境可持续等多个方面。本文以 可持续发展理论为基础,从环境可持续和经济可持续两个方面论证成都WX 环保发电项目可行性。在环境可持续方面:可持续发展应该让经济发展、社 会进步和自然环境承载能力三者之间相互协调。取得发展的同时,首先要做 到对生态环境的保护,必须以可持续的方式保证合理的使用自然资源,在发 展的同时不断改善生态环境,使得发展不以牺牲环境为代价,所有的发展都 必须控制在地球环境可以承载的范围之内。环境的可持续发展最核心的理念 就是对环境的保护,不能因为要发展经济就忽视对环境的保护,环境保护和 经济发展不应该是此消彼长的关系,而应该是相辅相成。在发展的同时注意 对环境的保护,从根本上解决环境问题,走可持续发展道路。在经济可持续 1 成都WX环保发电项目可行性研究 方面:可持续发展是鼓励在不以牺牲环境为代价的前提下大力发展经济,经 济发展是国家发展、社会进步、人民幸福生活的物质基础。提倡文明消费, 环保生产,在提高经济发展速度的同时节约对资源的浪费、减少废弃物的排 放,走经济可持续发展的道路。垃圾集中焚烧发电是一个城市维护美好和谐 环境,改善生存环境,提升城市形象,实现可持续发展的重要一点。垃圾焚 烧发电,不仅清洁环保,垃圾在焚烧过程中产生的热能还可以转化为电能, 是国家大力支持和发展的重要项目。 本文将以可持续发展作为理论基础,从经济可持续和环境可持续两个方 面进行分析和论证成都WX环保发电项目的可行性。从可持续发展的视角, 通过对可行性研究过程的详细讨论,确定了该类项目的评判标准,并提出了 改进的方法,希望对同类型项目的可行性研究有积极的借鉴意义。 关键词:可持续发展;垃圾焚烧;环保发电;可行性 2 Abstract Abstract With China's rapid economic development and urbanization progresses, people's living standards improved. The environment pressure has increased day after day, the total population has reached more than 700 million,if calculated in accordance with 1 kg / person / day standards, the country 's municipal solid waste will reach 70 million tons per day,the garbage has increased more and more,a lot of rubbish simply piled up a lot of land,the atmosphere, soil and water have caused serious pollution. Sharp increase in the number of municipal solid waste, the face of such objective development environment and conditions,we must adhere to the sustainable development strategy, urban waste resources, industrialization and ijiarketization as our goal to promote the healthy development of urban waste disposal industry. Indication of mxuiicipal solid waste treatment methods are constantly our application and promotion . And sanitary landfill and waste composting treatment compared to waste incineration power generation has obvious advantages,it can make waste minimization and harmless,so the rational use of resources . Waste incineration power generation for its good economic and social benefits have been widely accepted and adopted,there will be gradual industrialization. Waste incineration power generation to long-term development, we must adhere to sustainable development,theoretical research topics are concerned, involves many areas of society,economy,resources and environment on sustainable development. In this paper, based on the theory of sustainable development,environmental protection,Chengdu WX power project feasibility environmentally sustainable and economically sustainable arguments from two aspects . Sustainable environmental : Sustainable development requires economic construction and social development should be coordinated with the natural carrying capacity. The development of the need to protect and improve the global environment,to ensure sustainable use of natural resources and environmental Feasibility study of Chengdu WX environment-friendly power generation project costs,so that control human development within the carrying capacity of the Earth . Ecologically sustainable development also emphasizes environmental protection,but unlike the previous opposition to enviromnental protection and social development of the practice of sustainable development requirements by changing the development model,the source of human development , to solve environmental problems from the root. Sustainable economic : to encourage sustainable development in environmental protection in the name of economic growth rather than lift economic growth , because economic development is the foundation of national strength and wealth of society . The implementation of cleaner production and consumption of civilization,in order to improve the effectiveness of economic activities,conserve resources and reduce waste. In some ways,it can be said intensive mode of economic growth is reflected in the economic aspects of sustainable development. Garbage incineration power generation is a wonderful city to maintain a harmonious environment,improve the living environment,improve the city's image,the important point to realize sustainable development . Waste incineration power generation , not only clean environment, energy waste generated in the incineration process can also be converted into electricity,is an important national project support and development. This paper will be used as the theoretical basis for sustainable development, analysis and feasibility Chengdu WX environmentally sustainable power generation projects and environmental sustainability are two aspects from the economy. From the perspective of sustainable development, through a detailed discussion of the feasibility study to determine the criteria of such projects,and proposed improvements , and I hope for the same type of project feasibility study has a positive reference. Keywords : sustainable development ; waste incineration ; environmental power generation ; feasibility 2 目录 目录 1.绪论 1 1.1研究的背景及意义 1 1.1.1研究的背景 1 1.1.2研究的意义 2 1.2研究方法 3 1.3基础理论 3 1.4国内外发展现状 : ...6 1.4.1国外发展现状 6 1.4.2国内发展现状 7 2概况 ; 8 2.1背景知识 8 2.2垃圾焚烧发电 10 2.2.1 原理 10 2.2.2 优势 11 2.2.3 劣势 11 2.2.4适用的条件 12 2.2.5国家产业政策 12 2.3成都WX环保发电项目简介 13 2.3.1项目区域概述 13 2.3.2成都市生活垃圾产生量 14 2.3.3WX发电项目概况 14 3.环境可持续的可行性研究 16 3.1主要污染物及污染源 16 3.1.1大气污染物 16 成都WX环保发电项目可行性研究 3.1.2 废水 17 3.1.3 灰渣 18 3.1.4 噪声 18 3.1.5 恶臭 18 3.2环境保护标准 19 3.2.1烟气排放标准 19 3.2.2灰渣控制标准 19 3.2.3噪声控制标准 20 3.2.4恶臭控制标准 20 3.3污染物治理措施 21 3.3.1大气污染物 21 3.3.2 废水 23 3.3.3 灰渣 23 3.3.4 噪声 24 3.3.5 恶臭 24 3.4节能措施 25 3.5厂址选择 27 3.6环境可持续的可行性分析 28 4.经济可持续的可行性研究 30 4.1投资估算 30 4.1.1编制范围及依据 ,...30 4.1.2估算说明 30 4.1.3本项目投资估算 31红线内建设工程投资估算 32红线外配套工程投资 32 4.1.4资金筹措方案 35 4.2经济分析(定量分析) 35 4.2.1项目概况 35 4.2.2主要经济指标 36 4.2.3财务评价基础数据 36 2 目录生产规模及计算期 36投资估算及资金筹措 37运营成本 37财务分析与评价 38 4.3经济分析(定性分析) 41 4.4经济可持续的可行性分析 42 5.总结与展望 43 5.1主要结论 43 5.2不足与展望 43