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深圳市天仁合电子有限公司(报告中简称:深圳天仁合公司)是一家有着六 年多偏、冷门集成电路国内销售经验的公司,在工业控制、医疗及航空航天领域 积累了丰富的营销经验和终端客户。2009年取得了美国APEX功率放大器产品 的中国经销权,与另外一家中国企业共同开拓国内市场。 APEX品牌创立于1981年,现隶属于一家美国私人投资公司。经过近三十 年的发展与创新,其功率放大器产品以其高电压、大电流、高速度、高集成的特 点领先于同行业其它品牌,其产品在高达1200V的电源电压下持续输出功率可 以达到50A,其产品填补了行业空白,同行业几乎没有其它品牌可与其相竞争。 APEX品牌自2007年起正式进入中国市场,经过近五年的市场推广,目前 在中国市场的年销售额在四百万美元左右,深圳天仁合公司目前占据45%左右的 市场份额,此项产品年获利能力在180万元人民币左右。 APEX功率放大器产品广泛适用于医疗器械、工业控制、测试测量设备、国 防及航空航天领域,其潜在市场份额在八千万美元左右,市场潜力巨大。 APEX在欧美市场己经有了三十多年的历史,但其进入中国市场的时间并不 长,加上市场宣传和推广有限,中国企业对其品牌认知度及接受度并不高,因此, 深圳天仁合公司有广阔的市场尚待挖掘。因此,提高产品知名度,提高产品销售 量,扩大产品市场占有率便成了未来三五年深圳天仁合公司发展的当务之急。而 由于资金的限制,公司目前的经营状况维持生存没问题,但很难谋求快速发展。 因此本文的写作重点就是希望通过对深圳天仁合公司的经营管理现状及未 来发展战略客观真实的描述,以及对APEX品牌及其产品特性、市场定位、市 场潜力及发展前景做以详细介绍,使投资者了解深圳天仁合公司及其所想长期更 快发展的APEX品牌及产品及发展战略,尽快筹集企业快速发展所需要的资金, 一方面提高APEX产品的市场占有率,提升企业获利能力,另一方面也帮助国 内相关行业企业赶超国际同行业公司,提振本国企业的国际竞争力,最终达到与 企业投资者共赢的美好局面。 关键词:商业计划书;创业;营销策略;融资;渠道 MBA学位报告作者:宋金环 深圳天仁合公司APEX放大器项ti商业计划书 ABSTRACT Shenzhen Tian Ren He Electronics Company Limited (thereafter as Shenzhen Tian Ren He) has six-year experience in domestic sales on unpopular partial, integrated trading. It has established high-quality marketing channels, accumulated rich marketing experiences for the clients in the business of industrial control and medical and aerospace. In 2009 the Company, collaborated with another Chinese enterprise, obtained the distribution rights of the amplifier products and opened the domestic market for an American company, Apex Precision Power (hereinafter as APEX). APEX was founded in 1980 and is an American private business. After nearly thirty years of development and innovation, the amplifier products with high voltage, high current, high speed, high integration characteristic of leading in the same industry in other brand, its product continuous output power can reach 50A in power supply voltage up to 1200V, its products are in a leading position in the industry, similar products only a brand of products and the competitive target market segmentation. APEX, since 2007, has entered the Chinese market. After nearly five years of marketing, its annual sales reaches to about $4,000,000. Shenzhen Tian Ren He currently holds about 45% market share, or $1800000. The annual profitability is about $300000,with a profit rate of roughly 16%. APEX power amplifier products are widely used in medical equipment, industrial control, measurement equipment, national defense and aerospace fields. At present we believe its potential market share will be around $80 million. With development of China's economic modernization and national defense, we believe the market potential will increase dramatically. The market of APEX products has thrived in the European market in the last 30 years. Since its presence on the Chinese market is not long enough, the product price is higher in China than in Europe, neither is the brand awareness and acceptance. As a result, we see the high market demand with a limited market share. Therefore, the goal of Tian Ren He is to promote product visibility, increase sales, expand market share in the next three five years. The company, since the establishment of the company, has maintained its profitability and growth. Yet its profit has not met the goal, which makes it hard for rapid development and still needs large investment. This paper describes the current management and future strategies for Shenzhen Tian Ren He Company. It introduces the products,market position, and potential marketing of APEX products. On the other hand also help domestic related industries and enterprises to catch up with II MBA学位报告作者:宋金环 深圳灭仁合公d APEX放人器项tl商业汁划书 international companies of the same industry, international competitiveness, boost domestic enterprises, finally achieve good situation and corporate investors and win-win.It will also analyze the trend of the enterprise and industry competitors, foresight the financial status, and profitability in the next five years so that investors would know that the long-term strategies for APEX products. Meanwhile we hope that our experience would help domestic business catch up with international companies, increased their abilities on international markets, finally achieves goals for both the companies and investors. Keywords: business plan; business; marketing strategy; financing channel III MBA学位报告作者:宋金环 深圳天仁合公巧APEX放大器项tl商业计划书 目录 一、@论 1 (一)深圳天仁合公司APEX功率放大器项目简况 1 (二)本商业计划书编制依据的基础理论 2 (三)本商业计划书的编制思路与主要内容 4 二、深圳天仁合公司概况 5 (一)公司简介 5 (二)组织结构 5 (三)发展战略 7 三、APEX放大器产品介绍 13 (一)产品概述 13 (二)产品市场细分及定位 13 四、产品市场和竞争分析 15 (一)放大器行业历史与前景 15 (二)市场规模及增长趋势 16 (三)行业竞争与本项目竞争优势分析 22 (四)未来3年市场销售预测 24 五、APEX功率放大器产品营销策略及支持措施 27 (一)产品策略:集中一切资源在竞争较小的产品领域 27 (二)价格策略:阶梯定价策略刺激消费者批量购买 29 (三)渠道策略:人员推销与网络直销相结合 29 (四)促销策略:聚焦专业化领域促销 31 (五)销售及售后团队整合运营 31 (六)绩效奖惩机制的建立 32 六、APEX功率放大器项目财务分析 34 (一)资金需求和使用规划 34 MBA学位报告作者:朱金环 深圳天仁合公…APEX放大器项H商业计划书 (二)盈利预测和预计销售收入 35 (三)财务分析及预测 36 七、APEX功率放大器项目风险分析及对策 39 (一)资金风险及对策 39 (二)市场不确定性风险及对策 39 (三)竞争风险及对策 40 (四)政策风险及对策 41 (五)环境风险及对策 41 (六)管理风险及对策 41 八、结论与展望 42 (一)结论 42 (二)展望 42