图书分类号: F7学校代码:10213
导师 : 陶萍 副教授
申请学位 : 管理学硕士
学科 : 工商管理
所 在 单 位 : 管理学院
答 辩 日 期 : 2018年6月
授予学位单位 : 哈尔滨工业大学
Classified Index: F7
U.D.C: 339
Dissertation for the Master Degree in Business
Supervisor: Ass. Prof. TAO PING
Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Management
Specialty: Business Administration
Affiliation: School of Management
Date of Defense: June, 2018
Degree-Conferring-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology
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The research on the influence of marketing mix on customer brand loyalty of
Thai millennials generation. The main objective of this research is to examine the
relationship between the marketing mix attitude of Thai millennial generation toward
the customer loyalty and provide suggestion to the business which have the millennial
as their target group. The objectives of the research are:
(1) To study the influence of marketing mix which consist of product, price, place,
and promotion on Swensen's ice cream brand loyalty of Thai millennials customers
in Bangkok.
(2) To examine the brand loyalty of Thai millennial generation.
(3) To explore the relationships between demographic factors and the marketing
mix of Thai millennial generation.
(4) To explore the relationships between customer satisfaction and customer
The research on the influence of marketing mix on customer brand loyalty of
Thai millennials generation is a quantitative research by using survey research. The
researcher uses a questionnaire to collect the data. The target population used for this
research is Thai millennials who consume Swensen’s ice cream in Bangkok area with
the 400 respondents whose age between 18 – 36. A self-administered questionnaire
was used to collect the primary data to answer the research questions of this study.
The researcher develops the questionnaire based on the documents and research
related to the study of the influence of the marketing mix on customer brand loyalty.
The questionnaires consisted of structured questions; multiple choice and scale
questions. The questionnaire has 4 sections; personal sections, customers behaviour
section, customers attitude on the marketing mix of Swensen’s ice cream brand
section, and customers satisfaction and loyalty section. To collect the data, the
researcher separating the questionnaire distribution channel to 2 channel which is
online distribution and collected on the field, 200 questionnaires for each type of
distribution. Then used the SPSS program as a tool to analyze the result.
The empirical results prove that all four objectives of this study have been
achieved. First, this study found that there were strong positive relationships between
all factors of the marketing mix except place factor and customer loyalty. The most
influential factors were price, followed by product and promotion, respectively.
Secondly, this study also revealed that Thai millennial generation had a high level of
customer loyalty. While considering in-depth detail was found that the millennial
whose age between 32 to 36 years old, who consider as the old millennial, tend to
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have more loyalty than young millennial who’s between the ages of 18-31. Thirdly,
this study discovered that the difference of age, occupation, and level of income
exhibited statistically significant differences in on customer loyalty of Swensen's ice
cream. While the differences in gender have no different level of the customer loyalty.
Fourthly, this study revealed that there were strongly positive and significant
relationship between customers satisfaction and customers loyalty. In another word,
the customer who very satisfied with the product or services, the level of brand loyalty
will be high. While people who have less satisfied with the product or services, the
level of brand loyalty will be less. Besides, the result also reveals that customer
satisfaction influence on customer brand loyalty for 77.6%.
Keywords: the marketing mix, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, millennial