基于此思路,本文以成都高星级 S 酒店的高管激励机制为研究对象,通
关文献进行收集总结后,运用理论并结合成都 S 酒店的运营机制、激励体系
行业的数据以及 S 酒店的数据、资料,分析得出委托方与管理方共同协作建
S 酒店激励机制下的绩效考核体系、薪酬体系、职业生涯规划、约束机制等委托管理模式下高星级酒店高管激励研究——以成都 S 酒店为例内容。(4)激励实施的保障机制。对激励实施中可能存在的问题、解决思路
关键词:高星级酒店 高管激励 委托管理模式AbstractAbstract
In recent years, with the weakening of the global economy, the slowdown in
domestic economy growth, and the decreased consumption levels of traveling and
commercial conferences, hotel industry is facing the increasingly sharpening
competition. The problems that what hotels can do to stand out, to achieve a steady
stream of customers and a steady growth in profits, and maintain their competitive
edges has bothered many high-star hotels in such a competitive environment.
However, currently most domestic high-star hotels are operated under
entrusted management mode, in which separated ownership and management,
asymmetrical information and different operating goals between hotel owners and
the management companies make the supervision and restriction of senior
managers a challenge. The owners of the hotels pursue a higher return on
investment while hotel management companies focus on the higher management
fee and brand premium, but the senior managers of the hotels seek higher salary
and more leisure time. That is the tripartite profit game in hotels under entrusted
management mode. How can the high-star hotels under the entrusted management
mode motivate the senior managers well, so that the management team can give
full play to enhance the competitiveness of the hotels and to improve the
performance of the hotel, meanwhile the hotel management group could also get
benefits That is the question this article trying to answer.
Based on this idea, taking the incentive mechanism on senior managers in
Chengdu high-star S Hotel as the research object, the article starts with figuring
out the problem, analyzing it and then put forward some solutions, and ends up
with implementing the measures. The main contents in this article including:(1)
Collecting articles on entrusted management mode and incentive theory, and
summarizing the main ideas; analyzing the operating mode and incentive
mechanism of S hotel by applying theory to practice, and then figuring out the
problems. (2) Explaining the necessity for owners and management companiesResearch On Senior Managers’ Incentive Mechanism Of High-star----An Example from Chengdu S Hotelboth parties that they should collaborate to build the senior managers’ incentive
mechanism with hotel industry data and information from S hotel. And then setting
both parties’ duty for the mechanism. (3) A general introduction on this mechanism
which contains material incentive and spiritual incentive, and then a more detailed
introduction on the mechanism which includes performance evaluations system,
salary policy, career plan and restriction mechanism. (4) Solutions to the problems
that could possibly occur when implementing the recommended measures.
Possible contribution from this article:
(1)In the past, domestic theoretical researches on hotel incentive mechanism
focus on staff of the front line, rarely on senior managers. But this article focusing
on senior managers’ incentive mechanism of high-star hotels under entrusted
management mode make a contribution in some degree.
(2) In domestic hotel incentive mechanism research, scholars tend to build the
mechanism from the perspective of management companies only. But there are
three parties (owners, management companies, and senior managers) in this profit
games in hotels under entrusted management mode, which makes the design of
incentive mechanism more complicated and difficult. And this article builds an
incentive mechanism for senior managers just based on this tripartite relationship.
Keywords: High-star Hotel;Incentive Mechanism On Senior Managers;Entrusted
Management Mode目 录目 录
1 绪论.......... 1
1.1 研究背景及选题意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景. 1
1.1.2 研究意义. 2
1.2 研究内容........ 3
1.3 研究方法........ 4
2 概念界定与文献综述...... 5
2.1 相关概念界定 5
2.1.1 高星级酒店......... 5
2.1.2 高层管理人员..... 5
2.2 国外文献综述 6
2.2.1 委托代理理论..... 6
2.2.2 酒店委托管理模式......... 7
2.2.3 激励理论. 8
2.3 国内文献综述.......... 10
2.3.1 现行酒店业激励机制存在的问题....... 10
2.3.2 对现行酒店业激励机制提出的建议... 11
3 委托管理模式下 S 酒店激励机制现状 ........... 13
3.1 酒店委托管理模式在我国的发展状况...... 13
3.1.1 酒店委托管理模式的发展历史........... 13
3.1.2 酒店委托管理在我国的发展... 14
3.1.3 委托管理模式和其他管理模式的比较........... 15委托管理模式下高星级酒店高管激励研究——以成都 S 酒店为例3.2 成都 S 酒店概况...... 16
3.2.1 成都 S 酒店简介...