关键字:社会信用体系建设 河北省 信用信息 征信IV
Recent years, Hebei province is facing with the problems as follows, continues slow
down of the economic growth, urgent needs of industrial structure adjustment, rising of
financial risk, which means that the demands for the social credit system was growing sharply.
Basing on the perspective of the People’s Bank of Hebei province, on the basis of the research
status both domestic and overseas, analyzing our country&39;s social credit system construction
of generalizes the process and results, analyzing and comparing the three kinds of
international mainstream modes of social credit system construction, several aspects of
enlightenment are concluded on this paper, such as the mode of social credit system
construction, the mode and development of credit bureaus, and the supervision and service of
credit market in Hebei province.
Basing on the perspective of the People’s Bank of Hebei province, this paper draws out
three aspects (the choice of social credit system construction mode, the sound legal system of
credit law and the development of credit agency) by combing the four stages of the
construction of social credit system in our country, we analyze the three construction modes
of international mainstream. This paper systematically expounds the development of credit
system construction in Hebei Province from the aspects of construction framework, collection
of credit information, construction of shared platform, reward and punishment mechanism,
credit market, credit propaganda and education, credit system experimental area construction.
Combined with domestic and international experience to reflect on the view that the root
cause of the lack of the underlying design is the legal system is not complete, causing the lack
of information platform for the reasons for the weak credit information base in Hebei
Province, resulting in credit market imbalance is divided into demand and supply The reasons
for the lack of incentive and punishment mechanism are the lack of linkage and the lack of
disciplinary basis, which is caused by the shortage of credit talents. It is not perfect for
propaganda and education subject and educational object. Finally, it based on the analysis of
the problem, put forward to improve the legal system, to promote the collection and use of
credit information, to speed up the development of credit market, to strengthen the fourV
aspects of credit education improvement measures. It is hoped that through the research
results of this paper, we will further improve the social credit system of Hebei Province,
optimize the social credit environment and promote the long-term development of economy in
Hebei Province.
Key words: Construction of social credit system , Hebei , Credit information , Credit
目 录
1 绪论.......1
1.1 选题背景与意义.....1
1.1.1 选题背景.......1
1.1.2 选题意义.......1
1.2 国内外研究现状及评述...........2
1.2.1 国内研究现状...2
1.2.2 国外研究现状...3
1.2.3 研究评述.......4
1.3 研究的内容与方法...5
1.3.1 研究内容.......5
1.3.2 研究方法.......5
1.4 创新点.5
2 社会信用体系相关概念界定和人民银行视角阐释.....6
2.1 相关概念界定.......6
2.1.1 诚信、信用与征信...........6
2.1.2 社会信用体系定义及建设内涵.6
2.2 人民银行研究视角的阐释.........7
2.2.1 人民银行在信用经济发展中的职责.........7
2.2.2 管理征信业的职责...........8
2.2.3 在社会信用体系建设中的具体职责.........9
3 国内外社会信用体系建设借鉴........10
3.1 我国社会信用体系建设的历程....10
3.2 社会信用体系的国际比较........11
3.2.1 对国际主流建设模式的分析..11
3.2.2 国际主流建设模式的相互比较12VII
3.3 国内外建设经验对河北省社会信用体系建设的启示..........14
3.3.1 政府与市场共同推进的建设模式值得借鉴..14
3.3.2 当前征信法制保障体系亟需健全..........15
3.3.3 信用信息是征信机构发展的关键因素......15
4 河北省社会信用体系建设的现状......17
4.1 发展概况..........17
4.1.1 建设框架初步确立..........17
4.1.2 信用信息采集机制不断完善..17
4.1.3 信用信息共享平台加速建设..18
4.1.4 联合惩戒机制不断增强......19
4.1.5 河北省征信市场初步建立....20
4.1.6 诚信宣传教育火热开展......21
4.1.7 河北省社会信用体系实验区建设成效显著..21
4.2 河北省社会信用体系建设的基础..22
4.2.1 面临国家政策鼓励的发展机遇22
4.2.2 具备建设的经济基础........22
4.2.3 具备文化传统优势..........23
4.2.4 科技发展带来新的建设动力..23
4.3 河北省社会信用体系建设的不足之处..........24
4.3.1 顶层设计不足..24
4.3.2 信息平台建设欠缺..........24
4.3.3 征信市场发展不均衡........25
4.3.4 联合惩戒机制不力..........25
4.3.5 核心专业人才短缺..........25
5 河北省社会信用体系建设问题的原因分析.........