本文选择五大国有银行之一、在苏州区域发展表现优异的 A 银行 X 支行作为具体
户忠诚度相关的理论进行简要概述,介绍 A 银行 X 支行客户忠诚度管理相关情况,结
关键词:客户忠诚度;A 银行 X 支行;影响因素;对策
作 者:黄爱华
指导老师:张方华英文摘要 商业银行客户忠诚度影响因素分析与对策研究
Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Customer Loyalty
in Commercial Banks and Countermeasures
—— Take Abank X branch as an example
With the steady development of the economy and the development and progress of the
financial industry, China&39;s commercial banks have developed in recent years. The
development of state-owned banks is strong, and some outstanding joint-stock banks have
emerged. City commercial banks and rural commercial banks have gradually increased in
the region and even in the region. Occupy an important position. The bank&39;s flourishing
means that the spring of competition, in the increasingly competitive pressure, the face of a
wide range of market environment, how to win and maintain the favor of consumers, so
that their services and products become consumers Preferred to keep customers loyal to the
bank is critical to the development of commercial banks. Therefore, it is of great
significance to study and think about the loyalty of commercial bank customers, to build a
brand image of commercial banks, to provide more attractive products and services, and to
help banks to establish a closer customer relationship.
In this paper, one of the five state-owned banks is selected as the specific research
object of A Bank, which has performed well in Suzhou area. After extensive reading of the
relevant literature on customer loyalty management, this paper gives a brief overview of
the theory of customer loyalty, A Bank customer loyalty management related
circumstances, combined with its customer loyalty approach and effect to further exploreof
customer loyalty factors, and then put forward the future development of the corresponding
customer loyalty management of China commercial banks.
Keywords: Customer Loyalty; A Bank X Branch, Influencing Factors,
Written by: Aihua Huang
Supervised by: Fanghua Zhang目 录
第 1 章 概 述........8
1.1 研究背景..........8
1.2 研究目的和意义..........2
1.2.1 研究目的...2
1.2.2 研究意义....4
1.3 研究方法..........7
1.3.1 理论研究方法........7
1.3.2 调查分析方法........7
1.3.3 定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法........8
1.4 研究框架..........8
第 2 章 相关理论与文献综述......10
2.1 客户忠诚度相关理论10
2.1.1 客户忠诚的概念与分类..10
2.1.2 客户满意与客户忠诚的关系.....12
2.1.3 盈利客户与客户终身价值.........13
2.1.4 客户关系管理理论.........14
2.2 国内外客户忠诚度相关文献回顾....15
2.2.1 客户忠诚度概述..15
2.2.2 客户忠诚度研究现状......17
2.3 文献评述........18
第 3 章 A 银行 X 支行客户忠诚度管理的现状 及忠诚度问卷调查.... 19
3.1A 银行 X 支行基本情况........19
3.2A 银行 S 分行的发展现状分析........ 21
3.2.1 网点涵盖范围广,但传统优势逐渐减弱..........21
3.2.2 客户基数庞大,客户忠诚度维持难度增加......21
3.2.3 管理成本持续提升,经济发展受区域性约束和影响..22
3.2.4 传统业务增长缓慢,创新发展能力需要新的出路......22
商业银行客户忠诚度影响因素分析与对策研究3.3A 银行 X 支行现行的客户忠诚度管理现状23
3.3.1 通过服务提升客户忠诚度..........23
3.3.2 通过营销活动提升客户忠诚度..24
3.4 关于 A 银行 X 支行客户忠诚度影响因素的问卷调查.......25
第 4 章 A 银行 X 支行客户忠诚度的影响因素...29
4.1A 银行 X 支行客户资源分布现状....29
4.2A 银行 X 支行客户忠诚度管理的问题分析30
4.3 从客户忠诚度形成过程分析34
4.3.1 客户认知忠诚度的影响因素分析..........34
4.3.2 客户情感忠诚度的影响因素分析.........35
4.3.3 客户意向忠诚度的影响因素分析..........35