关键词:轮岗制度;轮岗意愿;Logistic 模型;STPSE 轮岗模型;轮岗管控模式华北电力大学硕士学位论文
On the basis of fully studying the theory of the traditional job rotation model and
the practice of the job rotation system both at home and abroad, this paper takes
Yuezhou Power Supply Company as an empirical case, obtains the data through the
interview investigation, establishes the Logistic regression model to evaluate the
impact of employee characteristics on rotation willingness and the traditional job
rotation model to evaluate the impact of firm characteristics on enterprise rotation
system design. The results of the analysis show that the existing rotation pattern of
Yuezhou Power Supply Company has some problems such as low enthusiasm of
employees, poor implementation of the system, difficulty in achieving the expected
rotation effect and then suggestions for improvement are provided. Next, the STPSE
job rotation model is refined based on the traditional job rotation model and the
practice of job rotation. Meanwhile, the design flow for adjusting the job rotation
mode of Yuezhou Power Supply Company is proposed, which is interpreted as
segment, targeting, positioning, strategy and evaluation. The paper analyzes the
internal environment and the external environment for job rotation of the company,
then puts forward the short-term strategy aimed at adjustment and internalization and
the medium and long term strategy for strengthening competitiveness. Last but not
least, the corresponding rotation tactics and the specific rotation control system is
developed, on which sensitive job rotation system and the rotation performance
evaluation system is focused.
Keywords: rotation system, rotation willingness, Logistic model, STPSE job rotation
model, rotation control mode华北电力大学硕士学位论文
目 录
摘要.. I
第 1 章 绪论......1
1.1 研究背景与意义.1
1.2 国内外研究现状.2
1.3 研究内容与方法.5
1.3.1 研究内容.......5
1.3.2 研究方法.......6
第 2 章 岗位轮换制度研究......7
2.1 国内公司的岗位轮换制度.........7
2.2 境外公司的岗位轮换制度.........8
2.3 越州供电公司岗位轮换制度.....9
2.4 本章小结...........10
第 3 章 岗位轮换影响因素分析........11
3.1 基于 Logistic 回归模型的员工轮岗意愿分析11
3.1.1 问卷设计与数据处理.........11
3.1.2 轮岗意愿影响因素模型.....15
3.1.3 模型结果解释.........18
3.2 基于传统岗位轮换模型的企业特征分析.......22
3.2.1 传统岗位轮换模型.22
3.2.2 企业特征因素分析.25
3.3 越州供电公司轮岗现状分析...30
3.3.1 越州供电公司轮岗总体情况.........30
3.3.2 轮岗存在问题及改进建议.30
3.4 本章小结...........31
第 4 章 岗位轮换管控模式设计........33
4.1 STPSE 轮岗模型 ...........33
4.1.1 轮岗对象细分(Segment)...........33
4.1.2 选择轮岗目标(Targeting) .........33
4.1.3 明确轮岗定位(Positioning)......34
4.1.4 制定轮岗策略(Strategy)...........34华北电力大学硕士学位论文
4.1.5 轮岗效果评估(Evaluation).......35
4.2 越州供电公司轮岗管控模式设计流程...........35
4.3 越州供电公司轮岗管控制度设计.......40
4.3.1 轮岗环境分析.........40
4.3.2 轮岗策略分析.........44
4.3.3 主要管控制度.........46
4.4 本章小结...........51
第 5 章 研究成果与结论..........