展、对中国餐饮企业所带来的影响。以 4C 理论、4P 理论、客户价值理论作
- II -
In recent years, the Internet ordering platform showing explosive growth in
China,the most traditional catering industry had a tremendous impact. On the
one hand, the Internet ordering platform in GuangZhong Food Co., Ltd. and other
catering enterprises have a huge impact, the Internet ordering platform backed by
big capital, well-funded, in order to seize the market regardless of the cost of
promotional activities, seriously disrupting the established order catering market,
changed the spending habits of some consumers, also , increased the cost of sales
of catering enterprises. On the other hand, the Internet ordering platform for the
GuangZhong Food Co., Ltd. and other catering enterprises has brought great
opportunities, the Internet ordering platform for interaction, the mass of
information, timeliness, etc., for the catering enterprises to provide a better brand
maintenance, customer communication and internet promotions. Therefore,
Internet-based ordering platform transition will determine the success or failure
in GuangZhong Food Co., Ltd., a large number of small catering business
survival and extinction.
In this paper in GuangZhong Food Co., Ltd. for the study, presented in
public catering Limited Company Profile, managers and marketing idea, product,
the price of the product, the marketing, promotion, consumers of cases, the origin
of the internet ordering platform development in China, the Chinese catering
enterprises the impact. In 4C theory, 4P theory, Customer value theory as the
theoretical basis, shows the development of the Internet ordering platform and its
catering business impact and opportunities to offer. From the perspective of a
small catering business, from the managers of the concepts and business ideas,
the company&39;s product, price, place, promotion and other different levels of the
main problems that exist in GuangZhong Food Co., Ltd., analyzes the causes of
the problem. Based on the problems faced by enterprises, the Internet ordering
platform development trends and improve customer requirements, a set of
transforming countermeasure to the core of the transformation of the marketing
Keywords: internet ordering platform, marketing strategy, catering business哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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目 录
摘要 .. I
第 1 章 绪论.....1
1.1 研究背景、目的及意义 ..1
1.1.1 研究背景 ......1
1.1.2 研究目的及意义.......1
1.2 国内外研究现状 .3
1.2.1 国外研究现状 ..........3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 ..........4
1.2.3 国内外文献简析.......4
1.3 论文的基础理论 .5
1.3.1 4P 理论.........5
1.3.2 4C 理论 ........6
1.3.3 客户价值理论 ..........6
1.4 主要研究内容及研究方法 ..........6
1.4.1 本文主要研究内容...6
1.4.2 研究的主要方法.......7
第 2 章 广众餐饮有限公司的营销概况及互联网订餐平台的发展与影响.......9
2.1 公司概况.9
2.2 公司的营销现状 .9
2.2.1 经营者现状 ..9
2.2.2 客户现状 ......9
2.2.3 产品现状 ....10
2.2.4 产品价格现状 ........10
2.2.5 销售渠道现状 ........11
2.2.6 促销现状 ....12
2.3 互联网订餐平台的发展与影响.12
2.3.1 互联网订餐平台的起源与优势 ......12
2.3.2 互联网订餐平台在中国的发展 ......13
2.3.3 互联网订餐平台对餐饮企业的冲击...........15哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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2.3.4 互联网订餐平台给餐饮企业带来的机遇 ...16
2.4 本章小结...........18
第 3 章 公司面对互联网订餐平台的营销中的主要问题及原因分析 19
3.1 公司面对互联网订餐平台的营销中的主要问题...19
3.1.1 经营者与经营理念层面的问题 ......19
3.1.2 产品方面的问题.....20
3.1.3 价格与成本方面的问题 .....21
3.1.4 销售渠道方面的问题 .........21
3.1.5 促销与品牌方面的问题 .....22
3.1.6 营销风险方面的问题 .........23
3.2 公司面对互联网订餐平台的营销中主要问题的原因分析 .......25
3.2.1 经营管理者以产品为中心的保守营销理念 ...........25
3.2.2 经营管理者对新的营销方式的陌生与不信任.25
3.2.3 经营管理者的传播意识欠缺..........25
3.2.4 经营管理者的沟通困境 .....26
3.2.5 消费者在互联网时代对于广众餐饮有限公司要求的变化.26
3.3 本章小结