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The FutureIs FeMale2/45ABOUT THE STUDYIn March/April 2017, Havas partneredwith Market Probe International tosurvey 12,168 men and women ages18+ in 32 markets:Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil,Cambodia, Canada, China, the CzechRepublic, Denmark, Ecuador, France,Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy,Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar,the Netherlands, the Philippines, Poland,Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore, South Africa, Spain,the United Arab Emirates,the United Kingdom, andthe United States.The survey samplewas made up of 21%leading-edge PROSUMERSand 79% MAINSTREAMconsumers.Prosumer and mainstream respondentsare segmented into the above generations.Due to rounding, some figuresdo not add up to 100%.MILLENNIALSages 18–34GEN XERSages 35–54BOOMERSages 55+Who Are ProsumersProsumers are today’s leading influencersand market drivers. They’ve been a focusof Havas studies for more than a decade.Beyond their own economic impact,Prosumers are important becausethey influence the brand choicesand consumption behaviors of others.What Prosumers are doing today,mainstream consumers will likelybe doing 6 to 18 months from now.Learn more at mag.havas/prosumer-reports/.淘宝店铺“Vivian研报”收集整理获取最新报告及后续更新服务请淘宝搜索“Vivian研报”3/45A few years ago, there was a lot of talk about our now living in apostfeministor evenpostgendersociety. And yet feminism and genderarguably are even bigger talking points now than a decade ago.Significant gender gaps continue to exist worldwide—in pay,in political power, in C-suite composition, in the lucrative andfast-growing tech industry, and beyond. Women in most partsof the world have made great strides in education and earningpower, but inequalities persist, despite a spate of studies thatshow that the advancement of women is critical to the successof nations and businesses alike.On the flipside of these inequities is the burgeoning sense that thefuture belongs to women—both because the so-called “softer” skillstraditionally associated with females (e.g., collaboration, flexibility,good communication) are more valued today and because femalesare perceived as more intent on creating change. Nearly half thewomen (45%) and Prosumers (44%) we surveyed around the globeagree that it will be women who lead change in the world. Arounda third of men (30%) and 4 in 10 millennials said the same.LAGGARDS OR LEADERS% AGREEING STRONGLY/SOMEWHATIn the future, it will be womenwho will lead change in the world45%FEMALES30%MALES44%PROSUMERS36%MAINSTREAM8101419232731333639So, which is it Are women forever to be the subordinate sex, or are they the face of the futureWe undertook this study to find out how much has changed in society’s attitudes toward genderand gender equality. In this report, we share 12 broad insights:THE F WORDNEVERTHELESS, MISOGYNY PERSISTED“EQUALITY” MAY NOTBE WHAT PEOPLE SEEKMEN ARE MECHANICAL,WOMEN ARE NURTURINGWOMEN HAVE RIGHTS,BUT NO REAL POWERSINGLE WORKPLACE,DOUBLE STANDARD123456BABIES OVER BOARDROOMSRELATIONSHIP STATUS: FLEXIBLEA NEW VIEW OF GENDERA BATTLE OVER NURSERYNEUTRALITYBOYS DON’T CRY, BUT GIRLSCAN BE ALPHA MALESADVERTISING IS OUTDATED789101112 。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看