随着世界经济的发展,一场绿色变革浪潮正在席卷全球,人类社会进入了 “保护自然,
With the development of world economy, a green revolution wave is sweeping the world,as the core
of green era human society has entered a protect nature, advocate natural, and promote the sustainable
development, the essence of which is to advocate the sustainable development of human society, it
emphasizes the protection of human survival environment and the rational development and
comprehensive use of natuml resources. International Commodity Exchange on tfie impact of
environment and resources has become one of the focuses to attention, vigorously implement the
strategy of green packaging in our country embodies the strategic thought of sustainable development
On the basis of systematic research, this paper products green packaging industry development
present situation, existing problems and future development trend, etc,based on the principle of regional
industrialization, tiie research expounds the resource conditions of northern xinjiang paper products
green packaging and the market demand analysis, probes into the opportunities and challenges facing,
proposes to establish green packaging paper products industrial park west of northern xinjiang area,
build core industry and industry integration pattern, to set up tiie northern xinjiang regional waste
paper recycling network, and optimize the structure of tax system, perfect the tax system. According to
the strategic thinking, put forward finally in the west of northern xinjiang regional paper products
green packaging industry brand strategy, create core key technology, develop the cluster of industrial,
intensify integration such as implementing Suggestions. The northern xinjiang paper products can
satisfy the production use green packaging industry, enhance the competitiveness of their products, and
can reduce tiie negative impact on the environment.
Key words: green packaging, sustainable development, tiie area of northern xinjiang, industrialization