本文通过对 C 物流公司融资问题的研究,结合融资管理理论,运用文献研
究法、调查法、功能分析法和经验总结法,从 C 公司的资金结构、融资风险、
融资成本以及公司财务因素这四个角度,设计了适合现阶段 C 公司采用的四个
押融资合作方案为其提供循环不断的现金流,开辟了新的融资渠道。C 物流公司
With the rapid development of the economy, financing problem and financial channels
have become main barriers for promotion of the small and medium-sized enterprise
(SMEs) in China. C company, which is one of the SME, it also needs updated
financial plans for further development.
This paper has designed a multichannel financing plan for C company. And the author
indicated that private equity financing can be available way with steady financial
support, while the secured Credit Financing overcomes the difficulty of high collateral
requirement, meanwhile the lease Financing Options also provides needed fixed
assets. Warehouse Receipt Financing, which is a new financing channel, executes
steady cash flows for the company. The paper presents that the function of the SMEs
with financing demands in other industry, according to the theoretical references and
practical guidance.
Keywords:SMEs; Financing plan; Logistic financing