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Oracle EXpress Foundation(11个ppt文档)英文版!.rar

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Introduction Course Objectives After completing this course, you should be able to do the following: Describe Oracle Express Server architecture and key features Describe procedures for configuring and monitoring instances of Express Server Discuss the basic features of multidimensionality and the Express database Create, populate, and maintain an Express database by using graphical tools and command syntax Course Objectives Selectively access and display subsets of data stored in an Express database Define, compile, and execute Express programs Transfer data between Express databases Create dynamic access from Express to relational warehouse data Apply techniques to maintain database efficiency Course Agenda Lesson 1: Introduction Lesson 2: Principles of Express Multidimensionality Lesson 3: Elements of an Express System Lesson 4: Managing an Instance of Express Server Lesson 5: Viewing Express Data Lesson 6: Creating an Express Database Lesson 7: Selecting Data—the Basics Principles of Express Multidimensionality Objectives After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following: Distinguish between traditional record views and multidimensional views Compare and contrast online transaction processing (OLTP) with online analytical processing (OLAP) Identify key features of Express Describe three fundamental Express database objects: Variables, Dimensions, and Relations Traditional Flat File View Multidimensional View Transactional Versus Analytical Processing Tools Features of Express Features of Express Express Database Structure Variables Objects that store data Two types: Data Description Dimensions Express Multidimensionality Multiple Dimensions Sharing Dimensions Elements of an Express System Objectives After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following: Identify the product categories of the Express product line Describe Express Server software components and Express Server architectural options Describe the general tasks required to create an Express solution Express Product Categories Server products: Express Server Express Instance Manager Express Web Agent Relational Access Manager Express Administrator Express Product Categories Client tools: Express Analyzer Express Objects Express Web Publisher Express Spreadsheet Add-In Express Product Categories Analytic solutions: Oracle Financial Analyzer Oracle Sales Analyzer Express Server: Calculation Engine Robust, multicube data model Built-in analytical functionality: Mathematical, financial, and statistical functions Exception, comparative, and trend analysis Forecasting Modeling What-if scenarios Stored Procedure Language (SPL) Managing an Instance of Express Server Objectives After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following: Open and navigate in Express Instance Manager Start and stop an instance of Express Server Manage Express Server configuration parameters and modules Manage Express client sessions Create client connections to an instance of Express Server Express Instance Manager Starts and stops Express services Manages configuration parameters Manages optional modules for an Express service Manages Express client sessions Displays system log files Creates new Express services and removes existing services Instance Manager’s Main Window Navigating in Instance Manager Finding an Unregistered Service Starting an Express Service Managing Configuration Parameters Managing Express Server Modules ......